February 24, 2019




Mosaic in the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves und the Fishes at Tabgha near the Sea of Galilee (Yam Kinneret), Israel.**



Creating Community Inspired by Christ

Welcoming Unconditionally

Transforming Lives

Serving Courageously

Glorifying God


  Pastors Caleb Kragt & Irvin Heishman

                     4817 State Route 202, Tipp City, OH 45371

February 24, 2019



February 24, 2019


Prelude:                In the Garden           A Solas al Huerto Yo Voy     

Words of Welcome     Palabras de Bienvenida

Call to Worship*         Llama a la Alabanza

One: For those who have not been welcomed before,

All: You are welcomed by Christ here.

One: For those who have been turned away,

All: Christ is opening the door for you.

One: For those who have been forgotten,

All: God cannot forget you, for God made you.

One: Come, join together in worship of our God.

All: You are God’s beloved. We welcome each other in the name of

Christ. Amen.

Prayer and Candle for Peace  Oración y Vela para la Paz

*Songs of Praise & Worship                           Canciones  de Alabanza

Ni Wewe Bwana          Eres tú Cristo                                       It is You Lord          Santo Mi Corazón Te Adora                               Holy My Heart Adores You           

Children’s Moment    Pastor Irv           Cuenta Para los Niños

Children under age 5 are welcome to join childcare in the playroom;

Children 5 and over can enjoy the children’s bulletins available on the hall table.

A Time of Offering     Ofrenda de Adoraciòn

Moment for Mission


Prayer of Dedication      Doxology

Scripture                                                                                                                      Matthew 14:13-33

Sermon                                                                                                                          Pastor Irv

Hymn    My Life Flows On        How Can I Keep From Singing

Congregational Prayer            Oración Congregacional

Sending Song      Ni Wewe Bwana        Eres tú Cristo                  It is You Lord


*Rev. Mindi Welton-Mitchell, as posted on the Homilectics website.

**Cover Image used by permission: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tabgha_Church_Mosaic_Israel.jpg  GNU Free Documentation License.

Office hours are Tues.-Fri. 8:00 AM-12:00 PM            Phone:937-667-3988

Church email:    wccob1708@gmail.com

Pastor Irvin Heishman       540-383-1274, local 937-679-9790

Pastor Caleb Kragt              765-914-5247

Music Director

Deacon Greeters

Deacons on call

Child Care



Calendar Today:

9:00 AM                Sunday School

10:15 AM              Worship

2:00 PM                 Cub Scout adult meeting

2:00 PM                 Pickleball

This Week’s Church Activities:

Mon.      9:00 AM                Quilters

7:00 PM                 Scouts: Boys Troop

7:00 PM                 Scouts: Girls Troop

7:00 PM                 Living Sanctuary meeting Pleasant Hill Church

Tues.      6:30 PM                 Cub Scouts

7:00 PM                 Position Statement follow-up

Wed.       6:00-900 PM        Child Care Choices

7:00 PM                 Deacon meeting

Thurs.    6:30 PM                 Bible Study

Sat.         5:00 PM                 Dulcimers

Next Week:

9:00 AM                Sunday School

10:15 AM              Worship

Special Offering Disaster Relief, Bethel Hope, Good Samaritan Fund

12:00-5:00 PM     Fellowship Area reserved

6:00 PM                 Praise Team practice



Attendance and Giving Last Week:

Sunday School       19 +                        Worship                 105

Offering                   $1,123.00


West Charleston COB Newsletter

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Welcome Visitors!

Boas Vindas, Bienvenidos, Karibu!


It is our prayer that your time with us will leave you refreshed in hope and curious about the joy of following Jesus as part of his new beloved community.


Suggestions for Participation in our Worship

You will notice that our worship includes elements from Africa, Central America, Appalachia (a little blue grass erupts among us from time to time), and good old fashioned hymns.  You will also notice in our worship that the good news of Jesus is proclaimed in various languages. We want all to hear the good news!


Feel free to sing in your prefered language even if others around you aren’t!  The lyrics are projected on the screen in multiple languages so that all can understand and can sing in a language in which they are fluent.  However, we encourage everyone to try singing in another language as a way of being in prayerful solidarity with others.


Tunakaribisha kwenye jumuiya hii ya upendo katika Kristo.  Ni sala yetu kwamba utafarijiwa katika tumaini na kuwa na hamu ya furaha ya kufuata Yesu katika maisha ya kila siku.


Le damos la bienvenida a esta comunidad de fe en Cristo que es singularmente amorosa y maravillosamente diversa. Es nuestra oración que su tiempo con nosotros le deje renovado con esperanza y con curiosidad por la alegría de seguir a Jesús en su vida diaria.

March 22-24: Intercultural Ministries Workshop

Looking ahead to March 22-24, the Transforming Lives Team is planning a workshop to be led by Gimbiya Kettering (Director of Intercultural Ministries for the denomination). This workshop will be crafted specifically for our congregation, and aims to equip and empower us to faithfully live out   our welcoming position statement, and attend to the needs of all our members.

Reminder: there will be a meeting after worship today for Transforming Lives (Deacons) for planning this workshop. More details on our schedule for the weekend will follow!


Scholarship Fund Reminder!

All students who would like to apply for grants from our scholarship fund for their studies next year should ask for forms in the church office. Blessings for your studies!

Wanafunzi wote ambao wangependa kuomba ruzuku kutoka kwenye mfuko wetu wa masomo kwa ajili ya masomo yao mwaka ujao wanaweza kupata fomu katika ofisi ya kanisa.

Todos los estudiantes que deseen solicitar subvenciones de nuestro fondo de becas para sus estudios el próximo año pueden encontrar un formulario en la oficina de la iglesia.


National Junior High Conference

Last year was National Youth Conference; this year it’s the Junior High’s turn! Any youth who are completing grades 6-8 this spring are welcome to register for National Junior High Conference, which will be June 14-16 at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania. Early registration is only $180; in April it will bump up to $210. Any youth (or advisors!) interested could check with Pastor Caleb about registration.


Lenten Bible Studies

Would you like to join a group to study the Gospel of Matthew together?  The deacons are organizing small groups for a six week lenten study of Matthew using the Covenant Bible study booklets.  If interested in hosting, facilitating, or attending please contact or one of the pastors.


Calling for Children’s Moment Helpers

has volunteered to sign up helpers to lead our Children’s story on Sunday mornings.  She would like to schedule this for the entire year.  It would save her lots of phone calls if those of you who like to do this would use the sign up sheet on the hall table. Thanks!


Donations of candy for Easter Egg Hunt

Donations of candy for the April 13th Easter Egg Hunt can be left in the church office.  Anyone who could help that day please contact.


Lost and found

We have a Dodge key-fob in the office with multiple keys.


Cards Received: Prayers for our Church

We have received cards from Troy COB and White Cottage COB saying that they are praying for our church this week.


Reminder to Church Committee Chairs  

Don’t forget to check your committee slot in the office for mail.

Our Daily Bread Devotional Free copies of the Our Daily Bread devotional are available on the hall table.


Living Sanctuary Tomorrow This support group meeting for family and friends of LGBTQ + folks will have its monthly meeting tomorrow, Monday, February 25 at 7:00 pm at the Pleasant Hill COB.


March 6: An Ash Wednesday Matthew Experience

On March 6 (Ash Wednesday), all are invited to come out to the church from 6-9 for a relaxed, unique experience. Dan Ulrich, professor of New Testament at Bethany, makes the case that Matthew was written to be used by traveling evangelists, who might be called on to provide their hosts with an evening’s entertainment. For our Matthew experience, we will gather around tables something like the original after-dinner context, enjoy some desserts and refreshments with freedom to come and go as needed, and read through the entire gospel. (It will take about two and a half hours.) There will be a break near the end of the reading and a chance to receive ashes as would typically be part of an Ash Wednesday service. Please feel free to drop in, even if you can only attend a portion, or are arriving late! If you would like to contribute with refreshments or as a reader, please contact Pastor Caleb.


March 10: Worship with Good Shepherd COB

On March 10, the Good Shepherd Church of the Brethren will join us for our morning worship service.  Carla Gillespie, who has been serving as their pastor, will be licensed to the ministry.  Our district executive, David Shetler, will be with us for this occasion.  We will also be dedicating several of the babies who were born recently.  Following the service, we will celebrate together with a carry-in meal.  Mark your calendars to be part of this meaningful time of sharing and celebration.